A Secret Family Spaghetti Recipe

…has a lot to do with treating spaghetti code

James Fulford
Nov 18, 2020
Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash. Not the final product of our recipe — try the recipe yourself!

Our Secret Family Recipe

Before making your sauce:

  1. Fill a pot with water. Add salt — we advise a lot. Add oil if you want; we don’t.
  2. Set the burner on low, or not at all, if you have the time.
  3. Add sweet spices, like basil or marjoram. Mix them into your water a bit. Like tea.
  4. Let it sit for a while. Maybe you start on the sauce.
  5. When you’re ready to make the pasta, boil the spaghetti in the sweet herb tea.
  6. When draining, don’t rinse the pasta.

In short: steep your spaghetti in tea instead of plain water. Think of it like this: you’re adding your spices earlier.

It takes more time, but you get something fundamentally better.

Spaghetti Code

You want to add something fundamental to your code, like security, responsiveness, or testability?

Don’t sprinkle it on after-the-fact — it doesn’t stick. Steep it.

It takes more time, but you get something fundamentally better.

